Gonzales Youth Council
The purpose of the Gonzales Youth Council is to give voice and action to our community's future leaders.
The Gonzales Youth Commissioners represent our youth at both City Council and School Board meetings. They fully participate with elected and appointed leaders at the Gonzales Unified School District and the City of Gonzales.
Gonzales Youth Commissioners are part of the discussion. They respond to and suggest policy improvements for the community, city government and school.
They work to represent and inform Gonzales youth on issues affecting our entire community.
Gonzales has had exceptional results in past years, even during the pandemic just wait for the new youth commissioners to start this next year. Recruitment for the 2021-2022 Youth Council is staring soon. For more information email gyc@ci.gonzales.ca.us .
Gonzales Youth Commissioners 20-21' Magaly Santos and Aidan Cervantes

Gonzales City Manger Rene Mendez and Superintendent named Amy Perez, Isabel Mendoza, and Madisyn Schweitzer and the 2019-2020 Youth Commissioners
For Youth For Community forum sponsored by City and School leadership led to Youth Commissioners