How Do I...

Gonzales has a very diverse population. We are old and young. We are all races and ethnicity.  Diversity is part of Gonzales' strength. What binds us all is our love for Gonzales and our belief in doing things the "Gonzales Way".

City News

Building Services
The Gonzales City Council is inviting letters of interest from Gonzales residents who would be interested in serving on the City of Gonzales Planning Commission. Candidates may be considered by the Mayor and recommended to the City Council for…
Gold 7 pointed star with field, cows, and mountains in center
AB  481 MILITARY EQUIPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2024   Pursuant to the provisions of AB 481, the City of Gonzales adopted Ordinance No. 2022-131 “Approving Gonzales Police Department Policy Manual Policy 709- Military Equipment” on  June 20, 2022. …
Papé Material Handling Construction Stage
Business Development
Papé Material Handling opened their new 25,000 sq. ft. business in the Gonzales Industrial Park in June of 2021. Papé Material Handling is currently located in Salinas and has 29 locations in five states, and is headquartered in Eugene, Oregon.  The…
Monterey County Workforce Development Board
Local Businesses
Segunda Ronda de Financiamiento para subvenciones para Pequeños Negocios de hasta $10,000 El Condado de Monterey, a través de su Programa de Ayuda para Pequeños Negocios (SBRP) CARES del Condado de Monterey, está proporcionando una segunda ronda de…