Permitting & Zoning
In the City of Gonzales we know the value of time. That's why our local review and permitting processes are simple and straight-forward. It's easy for us to offer expedited permitting, because that's how we do business everyday!
When comparing us to metro areas and larger cities, Gonzales' development review and permitting process is a substantial location advantage. Our zoning code is short and to the point. And, our review processes are efficient and timely. We specialize in tailoring our review process to meet your development goals.
Plan Review & Permit Issuance
Generally, plan reviews and permits can be issued in a matter of days. The following are estimated timelines for each type of review/permit. Timing assumes plans submitted by the applicant are complete. The Permit Center page provides more information on specific permits.
The City of Gonzales has multiple commercial zones but only one industrial zone. Please refer to the City's zoning code for more complete information, including any setbacks and height restrictions, or review the city's zoning map to locate specific properties.
How do I's
Zoning Map

Land Use Map