Workforce Development
A Diverse and Skilled Workforce
Agriculture is the top hiring industry in Gonzales with 1,968 jobs, or 70% of the total jobs. Other industries in Gonzales each include less than 10% of the job share. However, while agriculture is the main economic base industry in Gonzales, only 29% of the city’s labor force work in this industry and not all of those workers are hired by the agriculture sector in Gonzales. These data show that the work force in Gonzales is trained with a more diverse set of skills, including health care, public administration and education, which leads to a high out-commute of highly skilled workers.
Workforce Development Resources
The Monterey County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) serves as a vehicle to mobilize and integrate private and public partners to effectively educate, train and place individuals with the necessary resources and skills to fulfill employer needs. They offer a dynamic and comprehensive workforce investment system through the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM throughout Monterey County located in Salinas, Seaside and King City.
Monterey County’s America’s Job Center’s provide assistance to employers and job seekers by offering an array of employment related services. These services are provided through CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES), the Office for Employment Training (OET), and the Employment Development Department (EDD) at three One-Stop Career Centers located in Salinas, King City, and Seaside.
How do I's
Higher Education Locations