The Gonzales Way is the way we raise happy, healthy, successful children.

It comes down to: Love, Care, and Connect.

The Gonzales Way that began as the framework for an initiative and has developed into how we live in Gonzales, began with the Gonzales Youth 21st Century Success Initiative: A Cradle to Career Government, Education, Community & Workforce Partnership. With this initiative, Gonzales and its partners set the stage to continue to provide the setting to allow children to grow up in Gonzales with Love, Care, and Connection. You can find the report here.

The basic framework of Love, Care, and Connect has expanded past its original intent to only express how we raise children in Gonzales. Now, it's not uncommon to now hear people talking about "That's the Gonzales way in reference to how we do ALL things in Gonzales. 


Logo of Gonzales water tower with hands coming together to form a heart

A child who feels loved will grow up strong and confident. We show our love for our our children and community daily. 

Logo of Gonzales water tower and two hands on top of eachother

A child needs attention, protection, and guidance. We strive to make a difference in our community and neighborhoods. 

logo - Gonzales water tower with two hands clasped together

A child needs to be linked to other people, and opportunities. We reach out to those in need and work together to make our community stronger. 



Senior Swarm Volunteer
Volunteer to be a tutor/mentor! Senior Swarm is going to be providing free online mentorship/tutoring for our high school students to help them…
Celebration postponed, celebración pospuesta
Please note: our Community Celebration has been postponed. This is only a public health precaution, and we will announce a new date. Tenga en…

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