Growing Green and being sustainable is ongoing. You can find information about current and historic programs and events below. 

REuse, REcycle & Cleanup Day Events

Work GlovesJune 2020 Event Postponed. New date TBA.

2019 Summer Event Report

2019 Fall Event Report

Gonzales residents are invited to participate in two FREE annual weekend cleanup events in the summer and the fall. These events are conveniently located at Fairview Middle School. The event volunteers work to assist residents with unloading their vehicles. The event accepts general garbage (must be bagged), electronic waste, metal, mixed plastic, and cardboard recycling. Reusable and recyclable items are separated at the event. There is a "drop and swap" area where still-usable items can be left to share with those who might find them still useful. The local clothing closet accepts donations of usable clothing, and a local animal shelter benefits from donations of towels, sheets, and blankets.

Mattresses and heavy metal items such as household appliances and water heaters are directed by the event to the nearby Johnson Canyon Landfill (these items are accepted for FREE on any day of the year). Disposal vouchers are provided for refrigerators and freezers. Yard waste, wood waste, tires, couches, and large furniture are not accepted at this event. Special waste collection items such as antifreeze, batteries, oil, and paint are accepted only on the Saturday portion of the event. Residents who receive a City of Gonzales utility billing should expect to receive a flyer in the mail from Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling notifying them of the event dates in advance.


Sharps Disposal

Sharps container with gloved hand putting a sharp in the containerYou can bring your approved sharps containers to Gonzales Pharmacy at any time for FREE disposal.  Please do not put sharps containers, needles, or diabetic testing supplies in your garbage or recycling cart. In 2013 Salinas Valley Recycles introduced two new FREE kiosk collection programs for collecting these supplies in South Monterey County. 
For more information on those three Salinas Valley sites as well as the collection program at the Sun Street Transfer Station go to the Salinas Valley Recycles website


Free Residential Large Item Curbside Collection

Bulky Items Photos: Chair, Dryer, Rug2020 Program Enhancement: Now accepting clean and donatable clothing and shoes (bag separately, no other household items please). Free Curbside Large Item Collection Service in Gonzales by Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling. Please call to make an appointment 1-888-678-6798. If you live in an apartment complex, have the apartment manager call to make the appointment and set up the location where items will be picked up on the property.



Residential Curbside Household Battery Collection

Household Batteries in a bag for recyclingTri-Cities Disposal & Recycling now has residential curbside household battery recycling! Place your used 9V, AA, AAA, C, D & small button and hearing aid batteries in a clear one-quart zip-top bag. Place the bag on top of your blue mixed recycling cart on your regular collection day for recycling.

Do NOT include cell phone, car, or any other type of battery
Do NOT include any other type of hazardous material
Do NOT place bag inside of the cart (put on top of the closed lid)

Visit the Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling website section on hazardous materials disposal for more information on this and other programs to dispose of special materials and waste.


Catching the Wind for Power 

Taylor Farms Wind TurbineGonzales is home to one of the Salinas Valley's first wind turbines.  Watch a video to learn how one of our local, innovative businesses, Taylor Farms is using clean wind energy to process the fruits and vegetables that they bring to market. 


How do I's

Wind Power

Gonzales wind turbine and sunset