Gonzales Grows Green (G3)
The City of Gonzales has committed to being a Sustainable Community. A "sustainable community" is one whose prospects for long-term health are good. Its residents and businesses do not deplete the resources that they depend on faster than those resources can be replenished.
The G3 mindset includes:
- Respect for basic rights and the recognition of basic responsibilities
- Living within ecological carrying capacity
- Equal opportunities for individual development
- A diverse economic base
- A vibrant democracy with informed and involved residents
- The protection of natural diversity
- Improving the standard of living
- Maximizing the use of people's abilities
- Minimizing the use of natural resources
More information about the economic impact of this initiative can be found on the Economic Sustainability page.
In 1989, California Assembly Bill 939, known as the Integrated Waste Management Act, was passed because of the increase in the state's waste stream and the decrease in its landfill capacity. As a result, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) (now known as Cal Recycle) was established. A disposal reporting system with CalRecycle oversight was established, and facility and program planning was required. AB939 mandates a reduction of waste being disposed through diversion and recycling activities. Jurisdictions were required to meet diversion goals of 25% by 1995 and 50% by the year 2000. In 2011, AB341 went into effect making commercial recycling mandatory for any business that generates four cubic yards or more of waste per week. This includes multi-family complexes and apartment buildings.
Through CalRecycle, the State of California is now working to increase mandated landfill diversion goals from 50% to 75%. The City of Gonzales, its residents and businesses are responsible for achieving these diversion goals in our community. Communities who do not achieve their diversion goals can be fined up to $10,000.00 per day for each day the goal goes unmet. The City of Gonzales, with support from Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling and Salinas Valley Recycles, works to assist residents and businesses to achieve these goals through public works programs, education and outreach programs, special events, and the development of public policies and ordinances that address this issue.
The City of Gonzales is accountable to the State of California in compiling an annual report which the City has titled AB939 Source Reduction & Recycling Element. The City has additionally chosen to provide supplemental documentation to highlight our outstanding community efforts to comply with state law. The report and supporting documentation for the the current year's reporting period can be found below. A hard copy of this information is also on file at Gonzales City Hall. It is recommended that an appointment be made by calling 831-675-5000 for those who wish to review this information at City Hall.
California State Law AB341 (2011) requires commercial entities that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and all multi-family complexes of five or more units to implement a recycling program. Blue cart mixed recycling and cardboard recycling are included in the price of your commercial service. Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling has recycling and waste diversion experts on staff who will be happy to assist your business or apartment complex with implementing a recycling program.
For more information or to receive assistance in developing your program, please call Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling at 1-888-678-6798.
California State Law AB1826 (2014) went into effect in January of 2016. The law requires businesses to recycle their organic waste on and after April 1, 2016, depending on the amount of waste they generate per week. This law also requires that on and after January 1, 2016, local jurisdictions across the state implement an organic waste recycling program to divert organic waste generated by businesses, including multifamily residential dwellings that consist of five or more units (please note, however, that multifamily dwellings are not required to have a food waste diversion program). Organic waste (also referred to as organics) means food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste.
In January of 2019, all businesses and apartment complexes generating 4 cubic yards or more of solid waste (trash) per week will be required to implement an organics recycling program.
For more information or to receive assistance in developing your program, please call Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling at 1-888-678-6798.