City of Gonzales 6th Cycle Housing Element Update
HCD Initial Preliminary Review of the Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element
On May 01, 2024, the City of Gonzales received an Initial Draft HE Preliminary Review which included modifications to the Draft Housing Element. The Draft Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element is available to the public for a seven-day review period prior to HCD resubmittal. The seven-day public review period is from May 15, 2024, to May 22, 2024.
Dear Community Members and Interested Parties:
The City of Gonzales is updating the Housing Element of its General Plan to ensure that we’re prepared to meet Gonzales’ housing needs over the next eight years. Under State law, every City and County in California is required to update its Housing Element to address specific requirements and submit it to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
The Housing Element is not just a document, but Gonzales’ blueprint for meeting the housing needs of our community. It is designed to ensure that our current and future residents, regardless of their economic status or unique housing needs, have access to safe and affordable housing.
The Draft Housing Element Update was available for public review from January 12 through February 12. 2024. Comments may be submitted to or mailed/delivered to Gonzales City Hall (147 Fourth St Gonzales, CA 93926) by Monday, February 12, 2024 through Monday, February 26, 2024. After that date, comments may continue to be submitted to the State at
The 6th Cycle Housing Element documents can be read and downloaded from the following links:
Estimados miembros de la comunidad y partes interesadas:
La Ciudad de Gonzales está en el proceso de actualizar el Elemento de Vivienda del Plan General de la ciudad para asegurar que estamos preparados para satisfacer las necesidades de vivienda de Gonzales en los próximos ocho años. Bajo la ley estatal, cada ciudad y condado en California está obligado a actualizar su Elemento de Vivienda para abordar los requisitos específicos y presentar el elemento al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario (HCD, por sus siglas en inglés).
El Elemento de Vivienda sirve como el plan de Gonzales para satisfacer las necesidades de vivienda de nuestros residentes actuales y futuros y de la fuerza de trabajo, incluyendo personas que viven en todos los niveles económicos y los que tienen necesidades de vivienda únicas.
El Borrador de la Actualización del Elemento de Vivienda está disponible para la revisión pública desde el 12 de enero hasta el 12 de febrero del 2024. Los comentarios pueden ser presentados a o enviados por correo/entregados al Ayuntamiento de Gonzales (147 Fourth St, Gonzales, CA 93926) antes del Lunes 12 de febrero del 2024 al Lunes 26 de febrero del 2024. Después de esa fecha, se pueden enviar comentarios al Estado a
- Release of the public draft 6th Cycle Housing Element for a 30-day review period, January 12, 2024, through February 12, 2024.
- Hard copy materials are available at City Hall, 147 Fourth Street, Gonzales
- Electronic copies are available through QR Codes and links to the City website.
- Planning Commission Housing Element Workshop, Monday, January 22, 2024 at 6:00pm in the City Council Chambers on Fourth Street.
- Staff to assemble all comments and final edits to the public draft Housing Element Monday, February 12, 2024 through Friday February 16, 2024.
- February 16, 2024. Send the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Community Development to begin a 90-day review period.
- The Planning Commission Study Session - May 8th, 2023 at 6:00 pm. - The initial Housing Element Update Study Session was scheduled for the May 8th, 2023, Planning Commission meeting. This study session will provide an update on the RHNA allocation, the anticipated timeline for Housing Element preparation and adoption, and opportunities to become involved. When available, meeting materials will be provided below. Instructions regarding how members of the public may participate in this meeting and provide public comments can be found on the agenda for this meeting.
- City of Gonzales & Planning Commission Workshop - August 21st, 2023 - Workshop on the Housing Element Update & Strategy Discussion - The workshop covered the following: (1) Community Engagement & Survey Results, (2) Housing Needs and Housing Strategies, (3)Affirmatively furthering fair housing; (4) Discussion & Consideration of Policy Options for Adequates Sites; (5) Potential New Programs to meet the local needs; (6) Next steps.
- Publicación del borrador público del Elemento de Vivienda del 6.º Ciclo para un período de revisión de 30 días, del 12 de enero de 2024 al 12 de febrero de 2024.
- Los materiales impresos están disponibles en el Ayuntamiento, 147 Fourth Street, Gonzales
- Las copias electrónicas están disponibles a través de enlaces de código QR al sitio web de la Ciudad.
- Taller de Elementos de Vivienda de la Comisión de Planificación, lunes 22 de enero de 2024 a las 6:00 p.m. en las Cámaras del Concejo Municipal en la calle Cuarta.
- El personal reunirá todos los comentarios y ediciones finales del borrador público del Elemento de Vivienda desde el lunes 12 de febrero de 2024 hasta el viernes 16 de febrero de 2024.
- 16 de febrero de 2024. Envíe el Elemento de Vivienda al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario del Estado para comenzar un período de revisión de 90 días.
- La Sesión de Estudio de la Comisión de Planificación - 8 de mayo de 2023 a las 6:00 pm. - La sesion de estudio inicial para la actualizacion del Elemento de Vivienda fue programada para la reunion de la Comision de Planificacion del 8 de mayo de 2023. Esta sesion de estudio proveera una actualizacion sobre la asignacion de la RHNA, el cronograma anticipado para la preparacion y adopcion del Elemento Vivienda, y oportunidades para involucrarse. Cuando estén disponibles, los materiales de la reunión se proporcionarán a continuación. Las instrucciones sobre cómo los miembros del público pueden participar en esta reunión y proporcionar comentarios públicos se pueden encontrar en el orden del día de esta reunión.
The City of Gonzales's current Housing Element of the General Plan was approved in 2014 and outlines the City's housing goals from 2015 through 2023. The State of California requires that each jurisdiction's housing element be updated every eight (8) years and certified by the State Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD). The City is currently updating its Housing Element for the 2023-2031 period. A major component of this update is the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment ("RHNA"), in which the State estimates each region's housing needs for all income groups.
If you have specific questions or would like to be added to the contact list for the Housing Element Update, please email to or
What is the Housing Element?
State law requires each jurisdiction to adopt a General Plan, which is a comprehensive, long-term plan for its physical development. General Plans include several "elements" that address various topics. The Gonzales General Plan includes the following elements:
While complete General Plans are often updated every 20-25 years, State law requires that the Housing Element be updated every 8 years. Housing Element planning periods are referred to as “cycles.” The City's current Housing Element covers the planning period extending from 2014 to 2022, which is referred to as the "5th Housing Element Cycle" in reference to the five required updates that have occurred since the comprehensive revision to State Housing Element law in 1980. All cities in the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments ("AMBAG") region are now required to prepare a Housing Element update for the 6th Housing Element cycle, which spans the 2023-2031 period. The AMBAG region includes all jurisdictions within the counties of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz.
Check this page often for updates. Relevant documents, public meeting notices, and other resources will be posted here.
What is the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)
The Regional Housing Needs Assessment ("RHNA") is a part of State housing element law that determines the projected and existing housing needs for each jurisdiction in the State. In its Housing Element, the City must demonstrate to the State that there are no unnecessary barriers to the housing approval process in order to meet the RHNA allocation for the City.
In September 2022 AMBAG released its draft allocation of housing units for each jurisdiction in its region, which can be found here. The City has received a final allocation of 1266 new housing units for this upcoming planning period compared to 293 units in the last 8-year RHNA Cycle (5), representing more than a four-fold increase from the last planning cycle.
Total RHNA – 6th Cycle (2023-2031). | 1,266 |
Very-Low Income (< 50% of AMI) | 173 |
Low Income (50-80% of AMI) | 115 |
Moderate Income (80-120% of AMI) | 321 |
Above Moderate Income (>120% of AMI) | 657 |
Additional information on RHNA can be found at Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) and at California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
We want to hear from you! Please take this brief survey that addresses important Housing Element update topics.
Relevant documents, public meeting notices and other resources will be posted here, please check back often. Send us an email at so that we can add you to our mailing list for information and updates regarding the Housing Element Update.