Recycling & Sustainable Living
Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling manages all garbage and recycling services for commercial and residential accounts in Gonzales. If you are unable to find answers to your garbage and recycling questions here, please feel free to call their helpful staff toll-free at 888-678-6798.
Residents and businesses seeking to establish first time service can do so in person at Gonzales City Hall located at 147 Fourth Street. For general questions about establishing garbage and recycling service call the staff at City Hall at 831-675-5000.
Residents and businesses seeking to make changes to their existing service should contact Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling directly at (toll-free) 888-678-6798.
Single-family residential service includes all three cart services: Mixed Recycling (blue), Green Waste Recycling (green), and Garbage (brown). There is no extra charge for mixed recycling or green waste recycling service. When you order your service, all three carts will automatically be delivered to your home.
Recycling at Home Videos:
"How to Recycle in Gonzales, Soledad and Greenfield"
With a message from Monterey County Supervisor Simón Salinas
"Cómo reciclar en Gonzales, Soledad y Greenfield"
Con un mensaje de Monterey County Supervisor Simón Salinas
Commercial Service includes garbage, mixed recycling, and cardboard recycling service. Rates are based on trash container size and collection frequency.
Do you need a larger mixed recycling container for your business? Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling has them and they can be added at no additional charge. Call Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling at 888-678-6798
Watch a short instructional video about commercial & business recycling in Gonzales.
Haga clic aquí para instrucciones de reciclaje para los dueños de negocios en Gonzales.
Waste reduction and recycling consulting services are available from Tri-Cities at no extra fee.
Garbage disposal costs money! Every cubic yard of recyclable material that your business moves from its waste stream into a cardboard or mixed recycling cart can have a direct effect on your bottom line.
Taking advantage of this valuable, free service could save your business hundreds if not thousands of dollars per year. Call Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling at 888-678-6798 for more information.
State of California (CalRecycle) Requirements for Businesses & Multi-family Complexes
SB 1383 Reduction of Short-lived Climate Pollutants
In September 2016, Governor Brown signed SB 1383 (Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016), establishing methane emissions reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) in various sectors of California’s economy. The bill codifies the California Air Resources Board’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy, established pursuant to SB 605 (Lara, Chapter 523, Statutes of 2014), in order to achieve reductions in the statewide emissions of short-lived climate pollutants. Actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants are essential to address the many impacts of climate change on human health, especially in California’s most at-risk communities, and on the environment.
SB 1383 Requirements:
Businesses must arrange for organics recycling service and provide interior collection containers.
Recycling containers must be placed adjacent to trash containers, easily accessible, and clearly marked.
Local government must monitor containers to minimize prohibited container contaminants.
Enforcement actions may result for non-compliant entities.
For more information on SB 1383, visit the CalRecycle website
AB 1826 Mandatory Organics Recycling for Businesses, Multi-family, and Public Entities
AB 1826 went into effect in January of 2016. The law requires businesses to recycle their organic waste on and after April 1, 2016, depending on the amount of waste they generate per week. This law also requires that on and after January 1, 2016, local jurisdictions across the state implement an organic waste recycling program to divert organic waste generated by businesses, including multifamily residential dwellings that consist of five or more units. Organic waste (also referred to as organics) means food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste. This law phases in the mandatory recycling of commercial organics over time, while also offering an exemption process for rural counties. In particular, the minimum threshold of organic waste generation by businesses decreases over time, which means that an increasingly greater proportion of the commercial sector will be required to comply.
AB 1826 Requirements:
A business, multi-family complex, or public entity must implement an organics recycling service and divert organic waste if it generates 2 cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste per week (total for trash, recycling, and organics).
For more information on AB 1826, visit the CalRecycle website
AB 827 Commercial and Organic Waste Recycling Bins
California’s Legislature, through AB 827 (McCarty, 2019), amended two existing laws - the Mandatory Commercial Recycling law, commonly referred to as MCR, and the Mandatory Commercial Recycling Organics Recycling law, commonly referred to as MORe. AB 827 is intended to educate and involve consumers in achieving the state’s recycling goals by requiring businesses subject to MCR and/or MORe to make recycling and/or organic recycling bins available to customers.
AB 827 Requirements:
- Businesses must provide customers with recycling and/or organics recycling collection bins or containers to collect recyclable materials generated from products purchased on the premises.
AB 341 Mandatory Commercial Recycling
California State Law AB 341 (2011) requires commercial entities that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and all multi-family complexes of five or more units to implement recycling programs. Blue cart and cardboard recycling are included in the price of your commercial service. Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling has recycling and waste diversion experts on staff who will be happy to assist your business or apartment complex with implementing a recycling program (888-678-6798). For more information on AB 341, visit the CalRecycle web site.
Commercial recycling is now mandatory for most businesses.
The State of California (through AB341) requires all commercial businesses that generate 4 cubic yards (or more) of waste per week to participate in mixed recycling and waste diversion programs. Click here to learn more about AB341.
Visit the Salinas Valley Recycles website to learn more about what belongs in each of the carts included in your curbside recycling program and where you can take items that do not belong in your curbside program carts (appliances, mattresses, batteries, household chemicals and hazardous wastes, used motor oil, cooking oil and more).
You can find more information about City of Gonzales special recycling programs and events along with educational programs and community gatherings supported by the Gonzales Grows Green (G3) sustainability initiative on the G3 pages on this site.
What Goes Where?
Many residents and businesses want to do the right thing when it comes to recycling, but it can sometimes be confusing. Many people have questions like, “Do I leave the cap on the water bottle, or am I supposed to take it off?” or “Do I have to separate my glass by color to recycle it?” Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling has partnered with Salinas Valley and Monterey Peninsula waste haulers, materials recovery facilities, and landfills to develop the “What Goes Where” app for iPhone and Droid phone users to try to make decisions about recycling a bit easier. Just download the app and begin using it right away. By entering your zip code, you will be able to learn specific information about what your recycling company accepts and how to prepare it for proper recycling. And, remember, one of the most important things you need to know about recycling is that all materials must be clean, empty, and dry.
What Goes Where
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This information is for 93926 - County.