City Engineer
The City Engineer is responsible for the City’s Capital Improvement Program and Land Development projects. The Capital Improvement Program includes design, bidding, and administration of a wide variety of improvement projects.
The City Engineer is responsible for:
- Designing, bidding/awarding, and managing Capital Project design plans. Improvements include public buildings, streets/sidewalks, water system (wells, pipelines and storage tanks), storm drains, sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment plant. Recent projects include:
- Alta Street Pavement Reconstruction
- Active Transportation Program (new sidewalks and access ramps)
- Improvements at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (sludge removal and berm repair)
- New Well 7
- City Council Chambers Remodel
- Community Pool Renovation
- Central Park Restroom
- Reviewing development applications for traffic impacts, flood hazards, drainage impacts. Map documents include Tract and Parcel Maps, Certificates of Compliance, Lot Mergers, and Lot Line Adjustments.
- Assessment District administration including the landscape maintenance contract.
- Compliance with the RWQCB Storm Water Permit and the Federal Flood Plain Management Program
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City Engineer
City Engineer

Patrick Dobbins