City Manager
The Mission of the City Manager/City Clerk is to support the Vision and Mission of the City by providing professional leadership, develop innovative approaches and creative partnerships in the management of the City, and execution of City Council policies. This will be done by always holding to the highest ideals of public service and ethics.
The City Manager’s Office is the Chief Administrative Officer for the City responsible for overseeing and managing all the activities of the City. In addition, the City Manager is also the Personnel Director, City Clerk, and Director of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency, Finance Director, Risk Manager, and oversees and manages the budget.
City Manager- Carmen Gil:
Carmen has over fifteen years working for and with local governments. Prior to being appointed City Manager, Carmen served the City of Gonzales for 3.5 years first as the Community Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Director, and then as the Interim City Manager from June 2022 - January 2023. During her three years with the City Carmen led the COVID-19 response, helping make the City the first in the County to reach a 90% vaccination rate. Carmen was also instrumental in helping the City achieve the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award in 2018 and led the application process for the 2023 All-American City Award.
Before coming to the City of Gonzales, Carmen worked for the Monterey County Health Department, where she led the work on the City of Gonzales' Health and Wellness Element. Carmen has a long track record of innovation, building partnerships, and know how to get the job done.
Carmen holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of San Francisco and serves on various local boards, including Salinas Valley Health Foundation, Alliance on Again and the Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation among others.

City-School Joint Efforts
Annual Reports
Public Records
City Manager