Development Activity Projects
Presently, the Planning Division has one major development application under review, the Vista Lucia Specific Plan.

The Vista Lucia Specific Plan (Specific Plan) would regulate and provide development guidance for the development of up to 3,498 residential units, comprised of single family and multi-family residential units, along with commercial, residential, mixed-uses, two proposed elementary school sites, a middle school site, and recreational facilities, including parks, play fields, trails, plazas, community gardens, two town squares, and an almost two mile long pedestrian promenade system that interconnects neighborhoods and amenities within the two villages of Vista Lucia. In addition, Class 1 bike trails, agricultural landscape buffers, detention and drainage areas, and other open areas will be incorporated into the open space system.
Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR
Project Title: Vista Lucia Project – Vista Lucia Specific Plan & Tentative Map for Neighborhood #1
State Clearinghouse Number: 2020039056
Project Location (Specific): Assessor Parcel Numbers 223-031-024, -025, and -027, bound by Fanoe Road to the west, Associated Lane to the north, Iverson Road to the east, and a large agricultural property to the south in unincorporated Monterey County, within the City of Gonzales Sphere of Influence
Project Location (Town): Gonzales | Project Location (County): Monterey |
Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: The proposed project would facilitate the development of a portion of the City's growth area and has been anticipated since the General Plan was adopted in 2010. The requested entitlements include a general plan amendment (specific plan), pre-zoning, annexation, and the first of several anticipated tentative maps. Up to 3,498 dwelling units at various densities; 96,000 square feet of local serving retail (mixed use), 79 acres of parks, promenades, and village greens; two elementary and one middle school on a total of 48 acres; and roads, stormwater detention, agricultural buffers, and other open space comprise the planned improvements/uses. Individual future projects that implement the specific plan will be subject to CEQA review that may be streamlined based on CEQA Guidelines sections 15183 and/or 15182.
Environmental Impacts: The proposed project would have significant aesthetic, agricultural resource, air quality, biological, cultural resource, greenhouse gas, hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, and transportation impacts. A range of mitigation measures are proposed to substantially lessen or avoid the significance of each impact. However, mitigation measures are insufficient to reduce four of the significant impacts to less than significant: 1) aesthetics (visual character and glare); 2) conversion of important farmland to non-agricultural use; 3) generation of volatile organic compound criteria air emissions; and 4) generation of vehicle miles traveled from the residential component of the project. These impacts are significant and unavoidable.
Lead Agency: City of Gonzales | Department: Community Development |
Address Where Copy of EIR is Available: Gonzales City Hall, 147 4th Street, Gonzales, CA 93926 and Gonzales Public Library, 851 5th Street, Gonzales, CA 93926. A copy of the EIR is also available on the City of Gonzales website ( under the Vista Lucia Project section.
Review Period: February 2, 2024 to March 18, 2024
Contact Person: Taven Kinison Brown, Community Development Director | Area Code / Phone: (831) 675-5000 |
In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Gonzales has undertaken an environmental review for the proposed Gloria Road Agricultural Cooler Project located on Gloria Road, and intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The City of Gonzales invites all interested persons and agencies to comment on the proposed Gloria Road Agricultural Cooler Project.
Lead Agency: | City of Gonzales |
Project Location: | Gloria Road, east of the Gloria Road/U.S. Highway 101 interchange in unincorporated Monterey County |
Project Description: | The proposed project is an agricultural processing facility consisting of 313,800 square feet of building area proposed within a 32.1-acre development footprint. The base facility configuration includes 210,000 square feet of building area for raw product cold storage and processing lines, and approximately 33,800 square feet of office administration space and miscellaneous mechanical and storage rooms and shop area. The remaining 70,000 square feet of the building is proposed for construction in the future with planned operations consisting of additional cooler space, truck dock spaces, and additional uses that are the same as the initial cooler building. A substantial portion of the balance of the site will be paved for parking, truck circulation, and siting refrigeration and other equipment. Process wastewater will be treated and stored for use as an agricultural irrigation supply. Planned offsite improvements include a water main and a recycled process wastewater storage pond. Operations would be seasonal, with the peak season from April to November. The project would generate approximately 426 new jobs during the peak season, 80 jobs during the off season. The facility site is within the City of Gonzales Sphere of Influence. Annexation and General Plan Amendment approvals are required. |
Public Review Period: | Begins– Monday, March 13, 2023 |
Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is Available for Public Review at these Locations: | City Hall: 147 Fourth Street, Gonzales, CA 93926, Gonzales Library Branch: 851 Fifth Street, Gonzales, CA 93926, and City website: |
Address Where Written Comments May be Sent: |
Taven Kinison Brown, Community Development Director Gonzales Community Development Department 147 Fourth Street, Gonzales, CA 93926 |
Public Hearing: | Date: April 24, 2023 |