KICK Kiosk Wk of 10/28/2019
Highlights for this week
- Recycle your Halloween Pumpkins in your Green Recycling Cart! (No painted pumpkins, no lights, no candles)
- Saturday, November 2: Lions Club Rummage Sale fundraiser to benefit Gonzales Food Pantry (8 AM-3 PM @ Folwer Hall 340 Day Street, Gonzales)
- Beginning on November 1: Bring your non-perishable food items to Mechanics Bank (400 Alta Street) for the 2019 holiday season at the Gonzales Food Pantry (see slide for a shopping list)
- Friday, November 1: Support Group for Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities meets (6-8 PM Fairview Middle School Parent Resource Center C)
- Monday, November 4 (6 PM): Gonzales City Council Meeting (117 Fourth Street)
- Wednesday, November 6 (9:30 AM): Alliance on Aging Cafecito @ Fanoe Vista Apartments Community Room (550 Fanoe Road) Family & Caregivers of Seniors are invited to join!
- FREE car & small truck tire recycling at all three Salinas Valley Recycles Locations (Johnson Canyon Landfill is open 7-days per week!): Event ends November 9, 2019 (see slide for details)
- Wednesday, November 6 (10 AM-12 PM): Next Friends, Family & Neighbors Playgroup! (St. Theodore's Church Hall)
- Saturday, November 9 (11 AM-2 PM): FREE Community Flu Vaccine Clinic (Flu, Pneumonia & T-DAP available): Taylor Farms Family Health & Wellness Center (852 5th Street, Gonzales)
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