Highlights for this week

COVID-19/ Vaccine Updates

  • Children 12 and up are now eligible to receive their vaccines! Stop by the Gonzales Pharmacy or schedule yours today by calling 831-290-0044, or 831-272-4181 for Spanish speakers.
  • Covid Testing every Wednesday at the Gonzales Rx Pharmacy from 2PM-6PM, located at 18 4th St.
    • Walk-ins for vaccinations are welcome
  • Visit this site www.mcvaccinate.com to find out about appointments or call 831-233-3447.
  • LOCAL COMMUNITY HEALTH PROVIDERS: If you are interested in volunteering to administer COVID-19 vaccines, register/applyhere.
  • If you are quarantined and in need of food and other resources, please email cogcommunityhealth@gmail.com or call 831-290-0044, or 831-272-4181

Community Highlights

  • Our Gonzales Youth Commissioners will be presenting at a national webinar to discuss youth civic engagement
    • To access, search nationalacademies.org, go to Events, and look for "Civic Engagement and Civic Infrastructure to Advance Health Equity: A Workshop"

Summer Rec Programs


  •  Food
    • The Food Bank for Monterey County hosts food distributions every Thursday from 9:30AM to 10:30AM at Saint Theodore’s Church.
    • Gonzales Community Food Pantry will be hosting a food distributionat 10AM on Friday (every 3rd and 4th of each month)at the Community Church Ed. Building on 4th & Day Streets.
  • Clothing
    • Gonzales Community Church Clothing Closet is open Tuesday-Thursday from 3PM to 5PMat the Community Church Education Building located on 4th and Day Streets. 

Job Opportunities

  • The Gonzales Police Department is still looking for a police officer. If interested, clickhere for the application and additional information!