

  • The Food Bank for Monterey County hosts food distributions every 3rd Thursday from 9:30AM to 10:30AM at Saint Theodore’s Church.
  • Gonzales Community Food Pantry will be hosting a food distribution at 9AM on Friday (every 3rd and 4th Friday  of each month) at the Mission Annex on 4th & Day Streets.


  • Gonzales Community Church Clothing Closet is open Tuesday-Thursday from 3PM to 5PM at the Mission Annex located on 4th and Day Streets. 

Gonzales Community News

  • We will be having our next Council Meeting on Tuesday,  February 20th at 6PM in the Gonzales Council Chambers located at 117 4th St.
  • The City of Gonzales will be hosting Chair Yoga on every Saturday February 3rd until March 23rd at the Vosti Center from 9AM-10AM for FREE! Join us for an hour of exercise. For additional information call (831) 675-5000
  • Help us promote healthy lifestyles by joining us on the sweetheart healthy snack board workshop hosted by the Blue Zones Project on Thursday February 22, 2024 at 5:30pm at the Taylor Farms Family Health & Wellness Center 850 5th Street Gonzales, Ca 93926. Find healthy ways to change your lifestyle.
  • Attention to all caregivers of children participate in free playgroups. The program supports unlicensed Child Care giver providers with playgroups, educational workshops, and resources for high quality child care. For any questions contact Denise Jaime (831) 525-5057