Gonzales Wins National "Culture of Health" Prize
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Gonzales is one of just five winners of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation "Culture of Health" Prize.
- The RWJF Culture of Health Prize honors communities working at the forefront of advancing health, opportunity, and equity.
- We have received this national distinction for our efforts to pursue innovative ideas, leverage our unique strengths, and bring partners together to provide all Gonzales residents with the opportunity for better health.
- As an RWJF Culture of Health Prize winner, our community will:
- receive a $25,000 prize
- learn from and share with other national and community leaders working to build a Culture of Health
- have our accomplishments shared broadly to inspire change across the nation
- join a dynamic network of Prize communities – nearly 45 communities – working to put good health within their residents’ reach.
- As a Culture of Health Ambassador, our community is expanding opportunities among the multiple factors that impact health including education, jobs, housing, transportation, and community safety.
- For example, Gonzales’ Climate Action Plan, Gonzales Youth 21st Century Success Initiative, and Health in All Policies Programs.
- We were also selected because we excelled in the following six Prize criteria:
- Defining health in the broadest possible terms.
- Committing to sustainable systems changes and policy-oriented long-term solutions.
- Creating conditions that give everyone a fair and just opportunity to reach their best possible health.
- Harnessing the collective power of leaders, partners, and community members.
- Securing and making the most of available resources.
- Measuring and sharing progress and results.
- Chosen from nearly 200 communities across the country, the other 2019 RWJF Culture of Health Prize winning communities include:
- Broward County, Florida
- Greenville County, South Carolina
- Lake County, Colorado
- Sitka, Alaska
Along with the announcement of our win, we are excited to share that an/a Gonzales delegation is currently in Princeton, New Jersey at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation headquarters attending the 2019 Culture of Health Prize Celebration and Learning Event from November 12-13, 2019. While there these representatives will meet with our fellow 2019 Prize communities, as well as representatives from the 39 Prize Alumni communities.
Learn more about our efforts and this year’s other RWJF Culture of Health Prize winners at www.rwjf.org/Prize